Parasha Booklet

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Elegant branded Shabbat/holiday parashat shavuah leining booklet.
Quantity Price
50 - 99 $10.47
100 - 149 $9.30
150 - 199 $9.07
200+ $8.78
  • *Event Date
    *Cover Text

    Please upload any image or logos and invitation designs that you want us to incorporate. Tip: less is more. Please wait until all items are uploaded before submitting your order.

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Let us customize a parasha or laining booklet for your event. Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah celebrations are even more special with your own personalized Torah portion and Torah service available to all in attendance. We can fully customize your parsha / leining booklet for your Shabbat or holiday. Add your logo or a picture/image on the cover to help make it an elegant part of your branding.

Size: A5 (around 6x8in)

Approximately 16-20 pages plus cover

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